5.7. Custom Extensions

As shown in the library section, Spicy’s runtime library comes with a set of built-in functions that grammars can leverage for more complex tasks, such as Base64 decoding and zlib decompression. Behind the scenes, these functions are just small Spicy wrappers that call into corresponding C++ code. This section describes how you can provide your own built-in functions leveraging custom external C++ code.

5.7.1. Basic Example

Let’s start with a simple example. Say we want to make a rot13 function available to Spicy that rotates each letter of a string by 13 characters, using the following C++ implementation:

#include <string>

namespace MyLibrary {

// Rotate each letter by 13 characters.
std::string rot13(const std::string& in) {
    std::string out;

    for ( auto c : in ) {
        char b = islower(c) ? 'a' : 'A';
        auto d = c - b + 13;

        if ( d >= 13 && d <= 38 )
            c = static_cast<char>(d % 26 + b);


    return out;

} // namespace MyLibrary

We can make this function available to Spicy by declaring it inside a custom module like this:

module MyLibrary;

## Rotate each letter by 13 characters.
public function rot13(s: string) : string &cxxname="MyLibrary::rot13";

Now we can use it in our Spicy code:

module Example;

import MyLibrary;

const data = "Hello, world!";
global encrypted = MyLibrary::rot13(data);
global decrypted = MyLibrary::rot13(encrypted);

print "'%s' -> '%s' -> '%s'" % (data, encrypted, decrypted);

To compile and execute this, we give spicyc all three files:

# spicyc -j rot13.spicy mylibrary.spicy mylibrary.cc
'Hello, world!' -> 'Uryyb, jbeyq!' -> 'Hello, world!'

Let’s look more closely at what’s going on here.

In mylibrary.spicy, the function attribute &cxxname is the marker for Spicy that we’re not declaring a standard Spicy function but an external function that’s implemented in C++. The value of that attribute is the C++-side name of the function, which Spicy will use to call it. In our case, the C++ name is the same as the fully qualified Spicy-side name, because we aligned C++ namespace and function ID accordingly. However, that doesn’t need to be the case; see below for more.

Besides the naming, the key to interfacing Spicy with C++ lies in aligning the types for function parameters and results between the two sides. Internally, Spicy automatically creates a C++ function prototype for any function declaration coming with a &cxxname attribute. To do so, Spicy maps its own types to corresponding C++ types. We can see how that looks in our example by running spicyc -P <prefix> to print out the generated function prototype (plus a bit of boilerplate to produce a complete C++ #include header):

# spicyc -P mylib mylibrary.spicy
// Prototypes for module MyLibrary


#include <hilti/rt/libhilti.h>
#include <spicy/rt/libspicy.h>

extern const char* __hlt_mylib_hlto_scope;

namespace MyLibrary {
    extern auto rot13(const std::string& s) -> std::string;

namespace __hlt_mylib::MyLibrary {
    extern void __register_module();


As you can see, Spicy maps rot13’s string argument and result into std::string, which happens to be exactly what we need in our simple example. (The prefix mylib goes into some internal IDs to avoid nameclashes with other generated code.)

5.7.2. Advanced Usage

In practice, it’s often not quite as simple to provide new built-in functions as in our example because parameters or results might not directly align between Spicy and C++. In the following we walk through aspects that typically come up here, in particular when interfacing to already existing C++ code that doesn’t know anything about Spicy. Function naming

As said above, the name of the C++ function must be provided to Spicy through the &cxxname attribute. The name may be namespaced, but can also just be a global identifier, depending on what the C++ code expects. Spicy will simply use the name literally in any C++ code it generates. Type mapping

For each Spicy type, the compiler picks a corresponding C++ type when generating an internal function prototype. The following table shows those mappings:

Spicy Type

C++ type










enum (a corresponding C++ enum type will be generated)




























struct (a corresponding C++ struct type will be generated)






struct (a corresponding C++ struct type will be generated)



The C++ types that reside inside the hilti::rt or spicy::rt scopes, are defined in hilti/runtime/libhilti.h and spicy/runtime/libspicy.h, respectively.

If these type mappings match what your C++ code expects—as it did in our example—then there’s nothing else to do. If they don’t, you have three options:

  1. You adapt the function’s C++ declaration accordingly, assuming you can modify it.

  2. If you are lucky, you may be able to get away with “slightly mismatching” C++ types as long as (a) they coerce into each other, and (b) Spicy is able to see the original prototype so that it can skip generating its own. However, it may be tricky to satisfy these two conditions, see the box below for more.

  3. You provide an additional C++ wrapper function receiving the expected types and forwarding them to the actual function as appropriate.

Using external prototypes

Per option (2) above, it is possible to get away with “slightly mismatching” types in some cases. For example, if your C++ function expects just an unsigned int for one of its arguments, but Spicy passes a value as an uint8_t, that will compile just fine. But there’s a caveat: to make that work, you need to prevent Spicy from generating its own prototype for the function, as the two would mismatch. There’s a &have_prototype attribute for that: If you add that to the Spicy-side function declaration, Spicy will assume that it can rely on an already existing C++ prototype instead of creating its own.

However, there’s a second challenge here now: Spicy’s generated C++ code needs to actually find that existing prototype somewhere—-but unfortunately, there’s currently no way of explicitly providing it. The only case where you can make this work right now is when Spicy’s C++ runtime library happens to be already including a C++ header that comes with your desired prototype. That’s unlikely for any non-standard functionality, but it may work if you’re wrapping a standard system function, such as anything from stdlib.h for example (e.g., random()).


We should add a mechanism to provide an arbitrary custom C++ prototype directly. (#1286)

There’s a similar trick for complex types, such as structs and enums: If your C++ function requires a type that Spicy doesn’t know anything about, you can declare a Spicy-side dummy substitute like this:

public type MyType = __library_type("MyType");

Then you can use MyType as as type in Spicy-side declarations. The name given to __library_type works similar to function names provided to &cxxname: the Spicy compiler will take them literally to refer to the C++ type. However, this will work only in similar situations as &have_prototype`: the compiler must be able to find an existing declaration for that C++ type in any of its standard includes files. It’s fine for that declaration to be just a forward declaration if that’s sufficient for the C++ code to compile). Linking to Libraries

In our example, we gave the custom C++ code directly to the Spicy compiler. That code will then simply be compiled along with everything else and be linked into the resulting binary code. Often, however, you may instead want to make functions available to Spicy that are implemented inside an external C++ library. In that case, Spicy will need to link the binary code to that library. To support that, spicyc provides an option --cxx-link that takes the full path to a (static or shared) library to link in. For example:

# spicyc -j --cxx-link /usr/local/lib/libz.a mycode.spicy

--cxx-link can be specified multiple times. Include paths

If your C++ code requires additional include files outside of standard include paths, you can set the environment variable HILTI_CXX_INCLUDE_DIRS to a colon-separated list of additional directories for spicyc to use when compiling C++ code. Passing arbitrary compiler flags

If you need to set arbitrary compiler flags you can use the environment variable HILTI_CXX_FLAGS. If this value is set it will be added verbatim as the last argument to the compiler invocation used when compiling C++ code.


Prefer using HILTI_CXX_INCLUDE_DIRS for setting include paths since paths set this way will be searched before implicit paths.